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Learning and Development


Mentoring schemes

Name of scheme Who the scheme is for Further information
CV mentoring scheme  Female academics applying for promotion (males not excluded)   
Postdoc Academy mentoring scheme  Postdocs 

Formal matching to mentor drawn from outside core research area or outside academia.  

There are also departmental mentorship programmes for Postdocs and PhDs.  These include academic, peer-to-peer, and postdoc mentorships. For example Chemistry Postgraduate support

Race Equality Network mentoring scheme  Staff from racially-minoritised backgrounds Supports and empowers racially-minoritised employees.  It helps you develop your career, skills and networks.  You can share experiences within the University.
School of Clinical Medicine matching scheme Independently funded mid-career researchers and clinical lecturers.  
Self-match mentoring scheme   Professional Services staff

Mentoring often works best if you find the person yourself, without an intermediary. 

Mentees can search for possible mentors using Lookup. 

Register for the scheme for further details and resources to support you. 

University Information Services mentorship scheme  IT related and affiliated staff, UIS staff (including non-IT)  

Other mentoring opportunities 

Name of opportunity Who the opportunity is for

Induction key point of contact (‘buddy’)

New staff 

Senior Leadership Programme mentoring

Senior leaders, that is Heads of Institution, Heads of School, Pro-Vice Chancellors 

Springboard: A Women's Development Programme

University staff, College staff and PhD students 

Strategic Development Programme

Senior administrators, grades 8 to 10