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Learning and Development


Planning your career takes time, effort, and commitment. Think about what you’re good at, what matters to you, and what motivates you. This will help you choose the right path and make good decisions along the way. 

Assess where you are now 

To help you assess where you are in your career it's useful to identify: 

  • what you value in your work 
  • what your skills, strengths and attributes are 
  • what you are particularly knowledgeable or experienced in 
  • what are your achievements to date 

Tips and tools 

Other questions to ask yourself 

  • What motivates you?   
  • What doesn’t motivate you? 
  • What aspects of your work are you particularly good at? 
  • What aspects of your work do you enjoy the most? 
  • What aspects of your work do you enjoy the least? 
  • What appealed to you about the job description for your current position? 

You need to feel motivated in the work you do.  If you‘re not motivated there’s a risk that you won’t realise your full potential.   

Figuring out what makes you feel unmotivated can help you skip certain jobs when you’re looking for work. 

Answering these questions can help you work out what you like in your current job and what you want in your next job. 

Identify your career goal 

When identifying your career goal it's important that the goal is SMART

  • Specific 
  • Measurable 
  • Achievable 
  • Realistic 
  • Time-Limited 

Examples of a SMART career goal 


You’re happy in your current role but helping others is what motivates you. 

SMART goal 

In the next month I will set up a meeting with my manager to discuss mentoring opportunities in my role. 


You want a new challenge in your career and a priority for you is to spend more time with your family.

SMART goal 

In the next 3 months I will identify jobs that offer a working pattern that fits with my family schedule.