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Personal and Professional Development


The tools can be used by individuals at any time to support their professional development and career progression.

They are also designed to be used alongside Staff Review and Development (SRD, or appraisal) with a manager, with the following benefits:

  • Allows managers and individuals to focus their preparation for SRD on an objective set of specific skills and attributes
  • Saves preparation time for managers and individuals, as skills and attributes already available to pick up and use rather than 'reinventing the wheel'
  • The skills and attributes are part of a University wide framework - this ensures a consistent approach to SRD preparation across all Institutions


Before SRD:

prepare for discussion

  • For the appropriate grade, the reviewer and reviewee use the BA form (all staff) and the RSS form (where appropriate for the relevant job family) to assess whether the reviewee:
    • Meets the skills and attributes identified for their role, or
    • Exceeds the skills and attributes required, or
    • Needs to Develop the skills and attributes
  • This could be the current grade or the next grade up depending on time and experience in post and readiness to move on


During SRD:

set targets, identify development needs

  • In the SRD discussion the reviewer and reviewee discuss the outcomes of their respective assessments and agree the skills and attributes profile for the reviewee
  • They can identify any gaps in skills and attributes required either for the current or next role
  • These can be added to the Personal Development Plan (PDP), using the Learning Opportunities suggestions of training and development that can be undertaken to meet these needs
  • Training and development can include a wide range of activities in addition to courses and online modules eg coaching in the workplace, job shadowing, projects
  • The SRD discussion also enables future aspirations for work and development to be discussed

Following SRD dicussion:

address targets, carry out development

  • Following production of the PDP, the training and development activities agreed within it can be actioned
  • Regular review will ensure that development activities take place and any revisions can be made in a timely manner
  • Review of the PDP will also help in preparation for the next SRD discussion