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Learning and Development


Careful management of a secondment will contribute to its success:

Start of a secondment


Complete relevant aspects of the University’s induction process ensuring that the secondee:

  • is introduced to key colleagues.
  • is shown around his/her workplace and local facilities.
  • understands the key responsibilities and requirements of the role he/she has been seconded to and how this role fits into the work of institution.
  • knows what is expected of him/her and the way in which his/her work will be monitored and assessed.
  • understands how he/she will be managed and supported during her secondment.
  • has access to all relevant local policies and procedures

Discuss professional development goals

Host departments are encouraged to offer secondees the opportunity to develop their professional skills and knowledge during their secondment. Therefore, it is important that, early on in the secondment the secondee is given an opportunity to discuss and agree the developmental goals they hope to achieve during the secondment and any training and development needs which need to be met in order for him/her to achieve these goals effectively.

During these initial discussions, a Personal Development Plan (Word) should be created. This activity can be supported by a representative from Learning and Development if required. This document should be regularly reviewed throughout the secondment to ensure that the secondee’s development goals are being addressed.

Allocate a buddy or mentor

  • The buddy or mentor acts as an impartial 'sounding board' for the secondee
  • They provide informal support to the secondee throughout their secondment
  • They should not be linked to the formal progress review process
  • They may contribute informally to the preparation of the Secondee's Personal Development Plan.
During a secondment

Progress review meetings

As a minimum requirement, progress review meetings should take place at the middle and end of the secondment but more frequent review meetings during the secondment are recommended. You can use the Secondee Achievement Record to record the achievements, progress and development of the secondee throughout the secondment.

Undertaking regular progress review meetings provides the secondee and their line manager with the opportunity:

  • for positive and constructive two-way review of work progress, including feedback
  • to agree an action plan
  • to discuss progress in achieving professional development goals identified in the secondee's Personal Development Plan
  • to identfy and discuss any difficulties or obstacles experienced during the secondment
  • to identify a way of balancing the secondee's personal needs and the requirements of the role
End of a secondment

On completion of the secondment

  • The secondee meets with their host department line manager to review and evaluate the secondment from the perspective of all those directly involved i.e. secondee, host departmental line manager and home departmental line manager.
  • The Secondee Achievement Record can be used to record the achievements, progress and development of the secondee throughout the secondment.
  • Secondees complete a Secondee Evaluation Questionnaire as a means of evaluating their own experience and to contribute to the ongoing evaluation of secondments.

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  • The secondee meets with their home department line manager to discuss integration back into the team and consider how the secondee's enhanced skills and knowledge can be utilised to benefit the individual and their department.