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Learning and Development


There are two key tools that you can use to support professional development and career progression. They are best used in discussion with your line manager as part of your regular Staff Review and Development cycle; however they can be used at any time by an individual for their own development planning.

  • Behavioural attributes describe a range of characteristics that can be measured and used to support expected behaviour across all grades and staff groups in the University. 'Positive indicators' are used to give examples of what may be expected.
  • Role-specific skills have been identified for the following job families: administrators, HR focused roles, library staff and technicians. They form collections of expected generic skills by grade in these areas and these can be added to dependent on individual roles.

These tools have been designed as flexible resources and  the listed skills and positive indicators are intended for use as a guide. They are not exhaustive and not all skills and indicators will be applicable to all roles within a grade.

See also the Behavioural Attributes Framework on the HR website for more information about how it can also be used to support fair recruitment and effective performance by clarifying standards and expectations of behaviour.

*These tools were previously linked together under the term 'career pathways'.  They have now been separated to enable people to use them as appropriate for their grade/role.