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Learning and Development


Tailored provision

In addition to the ‘open programme of courses', Learning and Development also works in conjunction with Schools, departments and faculties in response to specific needs.

Benefits of tailored provision include:

  • Training or development which meets specific needs of School or department
  • If appropriate training can be delivered at a local venue
  • Colleagues from the same area can work together, building relationships within teams and increasing local networking opportunities
  • Where appropriate, local procedures can be developed and communicated as part of the training

There may be a charge for bespoke provision, which will be discussed with you at an early stage.

To request bespoke training for your department

Complete the MS Form

Once the form is received a member of Learning and Development will be in contact to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Note that face to face training may be delivered by one of the Learning and Development team or one of our external associates depending on the topic(s) and time-frames.