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Learning and Development


To achieve your career goal it may be necessary for you to develop new skills, gain some experience or knowledge in a specific area or undertake a qualification.   There are a number of ways you could do this:

Personal development planning




  • A mentor can keep you motivated, act as someone to bounce ideas off and give you some tips and hints from their own experience of finding work
  • A mentor can be anyone from a friend to a work colleague
  • Identify someone you feel comfortable with and who will give you confidence
  • See the mentoring section for more information


  • A coach can help you decide which direction you want to go and help you focus on the best way of getting there, preparing for and overcoming any potential obstacles along the way
  • Learning and Development can offer career coaching to non-academic staff - contact Learning and Development for more information.


  • Personal and social networks can help support you with new career opportunities, whether that is keeping you motivated or putting you in touch with someone who can help and advise you
  • There may be people within your network who know about a job opportunity that would suit you. Others in your network could provide useful tips on searching for jobs in a particular sector
  • As a member of University staff you can access a wide variety of societies and networks


  • Volunteering in the wider community can help to develop new knowledge and skills