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Hosting a job shadowing placement can be very rewarding (see Why Job Shadowing?). However, there are also several things that need to be considered when preparing for the placement to help  ensure that the shadowee gets the most out of the placement.

When preparing for a placement it is important to:

•  Agree a suitable time, dependent on the shadowee's objectives and the service needs in the host area, for the job shadowing to take place.
•  Ensure that other colleagues are briefed about the shadowing experience and inform any relevant individuals/departments about when the shadowing will be taking place.
•  Consider what you may need to know about the shadowee and what they hope to get from the process.
•  Discuss any disability requirements and additional support requirements with the shadowee.
•  Consider whether there are any health and safety requirements that you need to address prior to the visit.
•  Prepare your work area, ensuring that there is enough space for both of you to undertake any relevant activities.


During a placement you should:

•  Provide the shadowee with relevant information about your job/department/team.
•  Provide appropriate notice if any of the shadowing activities have to be cancelled or changed in any way.
•  Provide time between sessions or prior to sessions for questions and feedback.


Once the job shadowing placement is complete  it  is important to :

•  Evaluate and reflect on the placement (see Reflection).


The guidance for the individual hosting a shadowee document provides further details of things that you may wish to consider throughout a job shadowing placement.